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$ cat filename | head

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$ cat filename | tail

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Q: Which of the following command is used to display the first 10 line of a file in Linux?
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Which command is used to display the first four line in unix?

Use the following command: head -4 filename Note: this only works on line terminated (newline) text files. The 'filename' can be any file.

Which command be used to clear the screen and display the operating system prompt on the first line of the display?


How can you find the version of Linux you are using on your computer?

The best solution is this command (actually two in one): uname -a && cat /etc/*release The first part of the command tells you the version of the Linux kernel that is running. The second part of the command tells you the name of the distribution, like "Red Hat Enterprise Linux X.X". When asked this same question, most people only answer the first part, which is not always what the user needs to know.

What is the first hop the MTR command will display?

You default gateway's IP address.

What was the first shell used by Linux and Unix that used commands entered at a command prompt?

The very first one, period. The first shell for Unix didn't originally have a name but has since been referred to as the Thompson shell. The first shell ported to Linux was bash.

What kind of interface does the old Linux operating system use?

How much old do you mean by old? Well, before Gnome and KDE, there was the Command Line Interface (CLI). MCC Interim Linux was the first linux distribution, released in February 1992 used the CLI.

List and execute UNIX command to display the sizes of the six largest files in the current directory listed in ascending order of their size?

There are several ways to do this (typical Unix ...). you could execute the following command: du | sort -n | tail -6 The 'du' command lists disk usage by listing a file name and size per line, then use the sort command to list numerically, and the last 6 will be the 6 largest.

How do you make a command on Ubuntu 9.04?

Anything can be made into a command on a Linux system. The steps are easy. First, using any text editor (vim, emacs, etc.) create a text file. Put anything you want to do in this file. Save the file. Make sure the file you just created has read and execute permissions (chmod). That's it! Now you have a command that you can execute in Linux.

What do you see when you first turn on a Linux system?

That depends on the hardware, the distribution, and what you are referring to by "first turn on." Most computers do not display anything at all for a brief period of time while the display is initialized. Depending on the system and how long it takes to initialize the hardware, you may also see a BIOS POST screen or a splash screen. Then, depending on how the bootloader is configured, the system may either load directly into Linux, or present a menu for a choice of operating systems. There are several bootloaders that can boot Linux, with a variety of appearances. Finally, when Linux itself begins loading, the appearance can vary tremendously, from a splash screen to a framebuffer console to a simple system console to no display at all.

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immediate supervisor

When following a proper chain of command who should a soldier approach first?

immediate supervisor

When following the proper chain of command who should the soldier approach first?

immediate supervisor