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Q: Which of the following Excel taks creates a formula that refers to cells in another workbook?
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What indicates which workbook cells are included in a formula calculation?

The name of the workbook will be enclosed in square brackets, indicating it is another workbook.

Which of the following is an external reference indicator in a formula?

It is a reference in one workbook to a cell or range in another workbook. So the reference is outside, or external to, the current workbook. To do it involves having the name of the workbook in square brackets, then the name of the sheet, then an exclamation mark and then the cell reference. So it could be something like this: =[Invoices.xlsx]Sheet3!C14

How do you link to another excel file in a formula?

Include the external workbook (surrounded by []) and worksheet names (followed by !) in the formula:=SUM([workbook.xls]worsheet!A1:A23)

What is a formula in a cell that makes a reference back to itself?

It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.It creates what is known as a circular reference. It is not allowed so the formula is invalid, as it creates infinity.

When you create a formula that refers to a cell in another workbook where will the source workbooks name appear when you click the cell containing the formula?

It appears at the start of the reference and is enclosed in square brackets. So if you were referencing cell B2 in a workbook called Sales and on a sheet called North, the reference in full would be as follows: =[Sales]North!B2

What are formula results that are updated each time a workbook is opened?


Which bar displays entries as they are made and edited in the Excel workbook window?

formula barformula bar!

What examines the formulas in a workbook in manner similar to the way the spell checker examines a workbook for misspelled words?

As you are typing it in, formulas are checked for errors of syntax. If a formula is working, you can see how it works in stages. It is known as being evaluated. A formula can be evaluated using a built-in facility.

What is a background formula checking in Excel?

Excel continually reviews the workbook for errors in formulas as you create or manipulate it

How do you create a formula on the totals sheet that will automatically pull the correct cell on a new sheet that you add on to the workbook?

You have to add it into the formula box and then there is a button on the top that can do it for u

What displays entries as they are made and edited in the Excel workbook window?

The Formula bar will do that and you will also see them in the actual cell.

What is an example of a formula with a 3-D reference?

A 3d reference refers to a worksheet, a column and a row, to identify a particular cell in a workbook. The following is a simple example, where the worksheet name is in the reference and is followed by an exclamation mark before the cell address: =Sheet1!A3 * 10