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Q: Which living thing usually gives birth to one baby at a time?
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Is wind a producer?

No. A producer is a living thing, usually a plant, that makes its own nutrients. Wind is not a living thing.

Is wind producers?

No. A producer is a living thing, usually a plant, that makes its own nutrients. Wind is not a living thing.

Is paper a living or nonliving?

Paper is a non living thing, Paper is usually made from thing that were once alive.

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Adaptations help living organisms survive and reproduce in their environment by increasing their chances of success in acquiring resources, avoiding predators, and coping with changing conditions.

What is the term that gives non living things characteristics?

the term is 'personification', when giving a non-living thing a human characteristic

Do sloths give birth?

There is quite a logical answer to this question. Of course a sloth is a living thing, and all living things have to do the 7 life processes MRS NERG. The R in this stands for Reproduction, which basically means giving birth. So yes sloths give birth like every other living thing wether it is a plant or an animal .

What is the point of food?

Food gives us energy which every living thing needs to survive.

What the sun and heat gives?

The sun is a huge ball of fire and this is the only heat giving energy source of the universe.It gives the energy to the both living and non living thing and lights our livelihood

What is the most interesting thing about the queen bee?

The Queen Bee gives birth to all the babies in the hive.

How does a living thing depend on another living thing?

they both give each other there needs like a clown fish and sea anemone the anemone gives the clown fish a home to survive