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PHYSICAL....AT DEMODULATION, HENCE IT is always done at the physical layer....usually some type of control system engineering is used... using a maximum likelihood estimation or some type of apriori estimation

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Q: Which layer handle bit synchronization?
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What is the function of the framing bit in an ISDN physical-layer frame?

Provides synchronization

What layer on the OSI model is responsible for data synchronization and checkpoint?

session layer

Which type of bit synchronization utilizes start and stop bits?


What is bit synchronization in digital communication?

a bit synchronizer is a ckt which made at the receiver end at that time when a bit interval end and next starts.

Which of the OSI layers handle the following. 1.dividing the transmitted bit stream into frames 2.dividing the application data into segments?

Which of the OSI layers handle the following. 1.dividing the transmitted bit stream into frames? Data link layer Which of the OSI layers handle the following: 2.dividing the application data into segments? Transport layer the PDU (Packet Data unit) for layers is as the following - Application, Presentation, and Session layers ==> uses Data - Transport layer ==> uses Segment - Network layer ==> uses Packets - Data link layer ==> uses Frames - Physical layer ==> uses Bits. ....

Dialog control and synchronization are two responsibilities of the session layer in the OSI model Which layer do you think is responsible for these duties in the Internet model Explain your answer?

dialog control

Why is Synchronization a problem in data communication?

synchronization between the multiplexer and demultiplexer is a major issue in data transmission. if the multiplexer and demultiplexer are out of synchronization a bit belonging to one channel may be received by the wrong channel. for dis reason , one or more synchronization bits are usually added to the beginning of each frame. these bits, called framing bit , follow a pattern, frame to frame, that allow the demultiplexer to syncronize with the incoming steam so that it can separate the time slots accurately. in most cases, this syncronization information consists of one bit

How to explain Bit Synchronization?

- synchronization in which the decision instants is brought into alignmentwith the received bit,i.e, the basic signaling element.- it is used to generate a clock signal at the proper sampling instants. - it consists of non linear element followed by phase locked loop ( PLL ).

Which osi layer is considered the media access control layer?

It handles Error Recovery, flow control (synchronization) and seqencing (which terminals are send and which are receiving).It is Considered the "Media access control layer"and is where MAC Addressing is defined.Answer:Data Link Layer

Running a 32-bit application on the IA64 architecture requires layer to convert 32-bit calls into corresponding 64-bit calls?

a thunking layer

What is bit stuffing in HDLC?

Bit stuffing is the insertion of non information bits into the data bits.In high level data link control protocol(HDLC),it provides a means of synchronization.

Which layer is responsible for dialog control and synchronization in internet model?

Session layer.The session layer provides the mechanism for opening, closing and managing a session between end-user application processes, i.e., a semi-permanent dialogue.