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Layer 1. Psychical

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Which layer of the osi model covers cabling and electrical signaling?

First layer of the OSI model covers the cabling and electrical signaling. The first layer of OSI model is the physical layer. The physical layer also decides the transmission mode and physical media.

Which layer of OSI is responsible for modulation or demodulation?

physical layer

Which is the starting layer in OSI model?

The top most layer is the application layer and bottom most layer is the physical layer. Since data is transferred from top to bottom, I would say that the starting layer is the application layer.

Which layer ARE RJ45 connectoroperate in osi model?

1. Physical layer

What layer is a NIC?

physical layer

Amplifier work in which layer in osi layer?

Layer 1 - the physical layer

WiMax works on which layer?

physical layer

What resides at the physical layer of the OSI layer?

Interfaces used on the system to connect to Network devices reside on Physical layer.

What OSI layer converts the ones and zeros to electrical signals and places these signals on the cable?

physical layer

Which layer is immediately below the data link layer?

Physical layer

Which osi model layer generates and detects voltage so as transmit and receive signals carrying data?

The physical layer of the OSI model is responsible for encoding frames in to the electronic/RF/optical signals of the physical medium and for reading the media and translating back in to usable frames.

What protocols do not include physical layer specifications?

none of protocols include a physical layer specification