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Depends what your needs are.

The Ipad is good because it is easier to carry around (lighter weight and smaller size compared to a macbook) the ipad(2) will have a dual facing camera and the ipad has more apps in its app store than a mac book.

However, a macbook is much better if you are a student because there is no way you can type notes or essays fast on the ipad. Also, there is much more memory on a macbook, and a macbook can use programs like photoshop and garage band.

Overall, it's about what your purpose is for the device. If you just want a device where you can listen to music, watch videos, and browse the web the ipad is cheaper and much better. However, if you need more processing power go for the mac book.

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13y ago

Ipad has much greater value, as it can do all of the stuff (or at least the basic stuff) a Macbook can, plus, it's heaps faster because it's got a solid memory and and it's a 100% built from apple. People say it's got a small screen, but I think it's alright. You may have an issue writing though. But you can buy a keyboard for like 150$ so it's worth it. Plus, Ipad apps are really cool and really cheap. It's great for games and it doesn't usually freeze. No viruses for either of them and it's cool cause it's got an accelerometer (it understands if you are rotating it and where is down and where is up, good for games and stuff). Depends, If you already have a computer, above all if you have a Mac, I'd buy an Ipad. If not, it depends how much you are whiling to spend. It would be good to have both of them. Personally I think the Ipad is an excellent gadget and a must have for genuine Apple costumers, but the Macbook is essential. So really, it depends how much you are willing to spend and the quality you expect.

Ipad- $499 16GB $599 32GB (recommended) $699 64GB 8/10

Mac Book- $999 (not sure GB)

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