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This is generally a matter of preference based on what user interface you prefer (KDE in Kubuntu, or GNOME in Ubuntu). They are both produced by the same company, although some believe the Ubuntu distribution receives more attention and polish.

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14y ago

Kubuntu is an Ubuntu operating system with KDE instead of the Gnome environment. Kubuntu is not a fork of Ubuntu, it is supported by the same community and packages are in the same archives.

If you have Ubuntu and wish to install Kubuntu (or vice-versa), you need only install the Kubuntu/KDE or the Ubuntu/Gnome environment packages in your existing installation.

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That is a matter of user preference, and not everyone will agree with either the verdict or the criteria for choosing.

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Q: Which is better GNOME or KDE?
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Does Ubuntu use the Gnome or KDE graphical iterface by default?

Gnome There is a KDE version named Kubuntu, however

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Everything will still work. However gnome applications do not interact with the desktop environment of KDE as well as they would with gnome. The differences will be mainly superficial. You can always remove the gnome applications later and replace them with kde ones if you want.

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Ubuntu uses GNOME by default. However, a KDE version is available, named Kubuntu. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of its GNOME counterpart

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KDE and GNOME are the result of two different attempts to create a free and open-source desktop environment for Linux. KDE was created first. KDE used a widget toolkit known as "Qt", which was not open-source back then. Since some users wanted one that was completely open-source, even the toolkit, the GNOME project was created. Many users still liked KDE, though. Those who did not want to switch stuck with KDE. Those who insisted on free software chose GNOME. Later, the Qt toolkit was open-sourced, which removed much of the incentive for GNOME to exist, but enough users at that point like GNOME better, so development has continued.

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There are many desktop environments in linux. Most prominent would be: KDE Trinity - KDE fork (response to KDE 4.0 dissatisfaction) Gnome MATE - Gnome fork (response to Gnome 3.0 dissatisfaction) Cinnamon - Gnome fork (response to Gnome 3.0 dissatisfaction) Unity - Ubuntu's desktop environment (built on top of Gnome 3.0) XFCE LXDE There are many more. Also, there are window managers that have comparable functionality (ex. Enlightenment)

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there are too many Gnome, unity, kde, ....

Is Gnome or KDE good for multimedia computer?

Yes. Both are fine.

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