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Q: Which image attribute specifies the location of the image?
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Which attribute specifies the name of the image to display in HTML?

There is an attribute which defines the name of the image to be displayed. The attribute is called as ALT or alternate.

How do you get emage HTML?

the tag is used to insert images. It is an empty element that only has attributes. Two attributes are required for the element: the src attribute and the alt attribute. The src attribute specifies the path of the image file. The alt attribute specifies an alternative text for the image, if the image is unavailable. The syntax for the tag is as follows: To know more check out the cronj IT site.

What attribute specifies that a file cannot be modified or deleted?


How you make a HTML code of your photo?

Using HTML to display images you use the tag. To display an image on a page, you need to use the (source attribute) src= The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display on your page which means that the image you want to display must be uploaded to a server, and have a web address (URL). The URL for the image points to the location where the image is stored (the server)It should look like this: Broken down it means < img source = the address (URL) of the image location/ (for the name of the image) yourimage.jpg>

How do you change link images?

Simple. Put the image tag inside the anchor tag in HTML. Give the Image tag the src attribute value = "the image location" and set border attribute = 0 ( i suggest this as its looks better). Inside the anchor tag you may specify the link to which you want the visitor to go.

What attribute defines the width of an image measured in pixels?

width attribute

What image attribute gives the browser a text message to displays in place of a missing image?

Use the 'alt' attribute. Eg ""

Which attribute specifies the submit URL in a form tag in HTML?

Use the "action" attribute of a FORM element to specify the URI of the form processor.

What is an HTML attribute which specifies a unique id for an element?

The "id" attribute specifies a unique ID for an element:Ids must be unique within the page (so no other elements that are ided as "firstParagraphOfGreatness".)Ids can be referenced in CSS like so:#firstParagraphOfGreatness {css rules here}

How do you find a pictures HTML?

Using HTML to display images you use the tag. To display an image on a page, you need to use the (source attribute) src= The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image (skull) you want to display on your page which means that the image you want to display must be uploaded to a server, and have a web address (URL). The URL for the image points to the location where the image is stored on the server. It should look like this: Broken down it means < img source = "the address (URL) of the image is located / (for the name of the image) Youri_picture.jpg">

What is a href code?

href is a Attribute used for the Anchor tags to link a image or line of text to a specific website here's a visual for linking a anchor to a image using and href attribute I hope this helped you understand the href attribute

What is the difference between a period and a hash symbol in declaring CSS classes?

Period which specifies to a class using (.) or dot operator Where as hash or # specifies to id of a particular attribute of HTML tags