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Q: Which distributions are made by or clones of Red Hat?
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What is Linux red hat?

Red hat is just the distribution. The Linux project determines the current revisions and allows people to charge for distributions just in case you don't want to load everything by hand.

Which is the best site for downloading Red Hat Linux drivers?

There isn't one. First of all, like most Linux systems, 99.9% of all drivers that are available for Red Hat Linux will be installed by default. Secondly, all distributions branded "Red Hat Linux" are obsolete and will not work correctly with modern hardware. The modern counterpart to Red Hat Linux is Red Hat EnterpriseLinux.

What are questions about obsolete Linux distributions?

This is a holding question for alternates dealing with long-obsolete Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Linux 9. Please do not split the alternates out. There is no reason to use these distributions; they no longer receive any security updates, may not run on modern hardware, and many modern Linux distributions are free.

What is the second hat made in roblox?

The first hat ever made was the Red Baseball Cap. Second was Purple Banded Top Hat.

Roblox first hat made?

Roblox's first hat made is fedroa

What is the first Roblox hat ever made?

The very first Roblox hat ever made was: The Red Baseball Cap. Purple Banded Top Hat was second.

What are the differences between the Fedora Ubuntu Arch Slackware OpenSUSE Red Hat Gentoo and Mandriva distributions?

Since the internal 'kernel' is the pretty much the same for the distributions what you are getting is the method of installing (how pretty it looks...) and other vendor added tools. The basics stay pretty much the same from distribution to distribution.

What is Red Hat's population?

Red Hat's population is 2,011.

Which certification is best red hat or solaris?

Red Hat.

What is the population of Red Hat?

Red Hat's population is 2,009.

When was Red Hat created?

Red Hat was created in 1993.

What is the cost to purchase a Linux license?

Nothing. The GPL is not a license you purchase. It is legal to sell Linux distributions, but most (Except for Red Hat Enterprise and a few others.) don't cost a thing and are free to download.