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Q: Which command is used to list the available variables and functions in the current scilab workspace?
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Does there exist any way to make the command line arguments available to other functions without passing them as arguments to the function?

You can copy them into global variables in the main() function, then have your other functions access those global variables. Global variables should generally be avoided, however.

Does there exist any way to make the command line argument available to other function without passing them as arrguments to function?

The only way this can be achieved is by storing the command line arguments in global variables. However, this is not recommended. Global variables should only be used to represent truly global concepts, but command line arguments are local to the main function. The main function's primary role is to parse the command line arguments and invoke the appropriate functions, passing any required arguments (by value) to those functions that specifically require them. The main function's secondary role is to handle any exceptions not handled by the functions that it invokes.

What are the details provided by 'env' command in centOS?

In most Unix-derived systems the "env" command returns the values of the environmental variables you have available on the given system.

What is the different types of windows in Matlab?

There are 4 windows in matlab : 1)The Command Window 2)Workspace Window 3)Command History Window 4)Current directory Window

What command is used to make the functions in a library available in c?

You have to include the library into your assembled code by using an #include pre-processing directive. (It is the header file what you include, not the library.)Further, the author of the library functions would have had to set the accessibility of the functions to public.

In dos what is the function of a parameter?

A parameter is a command-line switch or an argument to a function. We use parameters to specify the input variables for the commands or functions we invoke. For instance, when we want to list the contents of a directory or folder, we have to pass the directory or folder path to the appropriate command so that it knows which directory or folder to process.

What is the purpose of the export command in Linux?

export command used to export one or more variables to the environment. For Ex: $ scname=kugu $ export scname In the Korn shell( KSHELL),we can combine these commands into one command: $export scname=kugu Use the env (or printenv ) command to display all environment variables and their current values.

What is the purpose of the DOS set command?

SET is for viewing and changing environment variables as well as storing and manipulating your own variables in batch scripts.

What actually are the functions of the cmd?

"cmd" is short for "command".

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Which two functions are provided to users by the context-sensitive help feature of the Cisco IOS CLI?

determining which option, keyword, or argument is available for the entered command, displaying a list of all available commands within the current mode