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copy command ofcource.. from command prompt..

copy <source file path> <filename> <destination file path>

say u want to copy ram.txt from c: to d:

copy c:\ram.txt d:

and press enter..

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13y ago


in command line the command is:

cp old_file new_file

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11y ago

In Linux:

cp /path/to/filename /path/to/newfilename

In Windows:

copy \path\to\filename \path\to\newfilename

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11y ago

Assuming oyu mean a regular file copy? The command would be 'cp.'

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9y ago

Copy and paste are the commands that are used to make a duplicate copy of a file while leaving the original file in place. You can use the right mouse click to do both.

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Q: Which command is used to create a duplicate cop of a file while leaving the original file intact?
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