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Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

Formulas and functions.

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Q: Which characterstics are used to compute the result of data in excel?
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How do you compute 40 square metter?

It seems you already have the result. What is it you want to compute, and based on what data?

What is the result in the speed of the car?

Does not compute. Insufficient data

What does data computation mean?

It is describing the process of processing data to compute a result. Could be any type of model or report, or a basic mathematic calculation.

Does Microsoft Excel perform calculations on the data in worsheet and displays the result in a cell?

Yes it does.

Compute and print the sum of a set of data values?

Compute & print the sum of a set of data values

How do you compute data that is not in range?

you do not.

Difference between forms and reports in excel?

Forms are the data that you enter into the document. They are the raw data. Reports are the result of the information you put in to it.

What does computation mean?

It is describing the process of processing data to compute a result. Could be any type of model or report, or a basic mathematic calculation.

When you data from Access to Excel a copy of the data is created in Excel?

You can copy data from Access and paste it directly into Excel. From a table or query, data can be selected and then copied and pasted into Excel. In that case, data changing in the original Access file will not change data in the Excel file. To do that there must be a link between the data. You can also import data from Access into Excel and from Excel into Access, again maintaining a link to the source if you want.

What is external data in Excel?

It is data coming from another source, such as a database. It is external to Excel, but being used by Excel.

Can you write a program to read a set of scores from a file and compute the average and print it on the screenby c plus plus?

Yes. Use cin and/or getline to read the formatted data into an array, compute the average then output the result using cout.

Can Excel be used for data storage?

Excel files will have data in them, so in that way they are storing data. Excel is not a disk or USB key or other such data storage devices. It is software, not hardware.