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Q: Which blood test Measure the volume of the erythrocytes in a given volume of blood?
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The volume of erythrocytes within a given volume of whole blood expressed as a percentage is?


How do you work out the measure of a given volume?

If you are given the volume, then you do not need to work it out!

In any given mm3 of blood what is the approximate ratio of number of red blood cells to white blood cells?

The approximate ratio of red blood cells to white blood cells in blood is about 600:1. This means there are about 600 red blood cells for every one white blood cell in a given volume of blood.

What name is given to red and white blood cells?

Red cells = erythrocytes White cells = leukocytes

In any given 3mm blood what is the approximate ratio of the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) to white blood cells (Leukocytes)?

Ther are equal numbers of red and white

Are leukocytes red blood cells?

Leukocytes are among the formed elements of blood. They fight infection and identify and neutralize other "foreign" invaders. The formed elements of blood are red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes).

What is the measure of how much mass is in a given volume?


The measure of how much mass is in a given volume?


What is a measure of a mass of an object in a given volume?

The mass of a substance in unit volume is its density.

In any given 3mm of blood what is the approximate ratio of the number of red blood cells erythrocytes to white blood cells leukocytes?

Blood cells are predominantly red cells. They outnumber the white cells by a factor of 1000:1 to 2000:1 in normal humans. The composition of blood is 55% plasma and 45% formed elements. The formed elements are mostly red blood cells, which make up 44% of total blood volume. The remaining 1% consists of white blood cells and platelets. Appx. 700:1 Blood consists of formed elements (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) and plasma. Red blood cells (erythrocytes) account for 99.9% of cells. Plasma 55%, and Cells 45%.

What is unit of measure of how much mass is in a given volume?


How do you find the height of a box given the width and volume?

measure it