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Q: Which bar display the name of the current document and the application name?
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What displays the name of the current document and application in Microsoft Word?

The title bar.

What is the name of the memory location that holds up to twenty -four items for you to paste into the current document another document or another application?

the clipboard

What is the name of the memory location that holds up to twenty-four items for you to past into the current document another document or another application?

Windows clipboard

What are two items located on the title bar in Microsoft word?

The name of the application and the name of the document you are working on.

How do you view a document on xp office?

Double click the document name in an explorer and if you have a program that can open it it will open. If you want to open it with a specific program, right click the file name and select "open with" select the program you want to open it with. or Open the application, drag the document file to the application window and if the application can open it it will.

What is the sequence of steps for creating a document workspace using an Office application?

Publish the saved document to a document workspace, and specify a workplace name and location.

What is the display name of the software program and the name of the document on which you are working?

There are thousands of different software programs. The programs name should be on the top of the page.

What name does the name box display?

It will display either the current cell or a name of a named range if that range is selected. If the range selected is not named, then the name box show the cell reference of the active cell.

What are the features on a title bar?

The close button, the minimize button, the maximize button, the document title and the icon

Which bar displays the name of the current document?

The title will be in the bar at the top of the window or if you hover your mouse over the document in your task bar it will show the name of your document.

The application and current worksheet name are displayed in the?

They are displayed on the title bar and also on the taskbar.

What is the name of the memory location that holds up to 24 items for you to place in a current document?
