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There are a few program applications that can help organize data. The main one that a lot of people use is Excel. Excel has many different settings that can help people organize data and can be personalized to meet all needs.

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Q: Which applacation program helps organize data?
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***MAYBBEE*** A data table helps you organize the information you collect in an experiment. Grapphing the data may reveal patterns

What are the uses of excel?

Exel is a spreadsheet program that enables you to enter formulas and data into the cells in order to organize information.

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It helps you to organize data and it also helps you find the median the lower and upper quuartile. another reason is that it helps you find the maximum and minimum

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How does scientists organize data?

Scientists organize data using various methods such as creating tables, graphs, charts, and databases. They may also use statistical analysis to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in the data. Proper organization of data helps scientists to draw meaningful conclusions and make informed decisions based on their research.