

Best Answer

The commands groupmod, groupadd and groupdel can all be used to modify groups.

The world's best editor, vi, can also be used to accomplish this, so, if you happen to encounter Bill Joy, remember to thank him profusely for this ubiquitous and wonderful gift to the world.

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Q: Which Linux commands can be used to modify the list of groups a user belongs to?
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What do you mean by Linux Utilities?

utilities is nothing but predefined commands in linux

How many different commands are there for Linux?

Innumerable. Remember that any program on Linux can be launched from the command line, so there are as many commands as there are programs.

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What are the commands used in Linux but not in Unix?

There is no answer to this question. Under UNIX and Linux, commands are either shell native or external programs found on the path (which usually includes /bin /sbin /usr/bin and ~/bin) Most UNIX and distros allow the admin to choose a shell program of choice and modify the contents of other directories and many admins allow individual users to change their personal shell and add additional executable files adding more commands. That being the case, theoretically any command can be valid under almost any UNIX or Linux. YMMV.

Explain Backup management commands in Linux?

There are no standardized commands for backing up a Linux system. Backup methods can range from dd to RAID to one of various backup utilities.

Are Linux commands entered via the command line case sensitive?

Yes. Just about everything to do with Linux on the command line is case sensitive, including commands and file names.

What are the common Linux commands by Oracle 10g?

Oracle 10g's commands are internal; they have nothing to do with what platform it is running on.

How do you find out what DOS Commands are available in Linux?

There is none. For starters, you have it backwards, DOS actually copied most of its commands from Unix (The rest came from CP/M.), which Linux is inspired by. Commands like "cd" and "dir" were Unix commands long before DOS even existed.

How do you clear your command history in Linux?

You can view the history of commands entered on a Linux system with the history command.

How would one go about learning fdisk Linux?

There are many websites where one can learn about fdisk and many other Linux commands including Linux Help, Tuxfiles, Computer Hope, Linux Questions and Linux Solved.

Is the architecture of Linux based on DOS?

No. Linux is a free, open-source version of UNIX. Many of DOS's commands were based on UNIX commands, but the underlying operating system is much more powerful than DOS.

What is the command in Linux to see the groups of a user?

groups username