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to get the current shell :

echo $0

also Use the command ps with -p {pid} option, which selects the processes whose process ID numbers appear in pid. Use following command to find out what shell you are in:

ps -p $$

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The 'pwd' command (short for "print working directory" should show you the current directory, assuming your shell doesn't already display it.

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pwd returns the current directory.

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Q: Which Linux command shows which shell you are in?
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What is the command prompt in Linux known as?

The shell.

What command do you type in Linux to determine the shell you are using?

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What Linux command stores standard input into memory?

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Is Linux shell a CUI?

Strictly speaking, a "shell" is simply the interface between the user and the rest of the operating system. In that definition not all shells on Linux are command lines. However, most day-to-day usage of the term "shell" does refer to command line user interfaces. Finally, "Linux shell" is not a thing. Linux is an operating system, specifically a kernel, not a shell. Most Linux distributions use BASH, but I personally prefer ZSH.

What happens when you enter a Linux command in capital letters?

You get a command not found. Linux is case sensitive. So, for example: The command "systemctl" will not be the same as "SystemCTL" to a shell in Linux. One will work, the other will return an error saying there's no such command.

What Linux command shows memory utilization?

yeah yeah

What command starts the command line in Linux?

That would be a semi-contradiction; the command line would need to be already running in order to enter a command. The name of the program that actually provides the command line is called a shell. There are many different shells available for Linux, including Bash, ash, C Shell, fish, ksh, zsh, and scsh.The default command shell is /bin/sh (not /bin/bash, note).

What was the first shell used by Linux and Unix that used commands entered at a command prompt?

The very first one, period. The first shell for Unix didn't originally have a name but has since been referred to as the Thompson shell. The first shell ported to Linux was bash.

What is the -i command in Linux?

It is not a command. It is an option for a command. Depending on the command it can modify the actions taken.For cp, mv and rm it makes the command interactive (are you sure). For ls it shows the inodes of files.

What is the command a user invokes to log off Linux from the command shell?

Type exit to leave a terminal.

What does the k command do in Linux?

k is not a standard command in Linux.