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The SUM function, which has the Autosum icon. Other functions can be taken from it, including the Average, Count, Min, Max and Counta functions.

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Q: Which Excel function also has an icon that can be used as a short-cut to achieve the results?
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What is text alignment shortcut key justified?

Excel does not have any shortcut keys for aligning text. See related links for all shortcut keys for Excel 2007.

Function key for go to?

That depends on the application. Commonly it is the F5 key, like in Word and Excel. Ctrl-G can be used as the shortcut.

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The action assigned to shortcut keys can be different in different applications. In the case of Microsoft Excel, Ctrl+1 is a useful shortcut to the format dialog, where you can assign cell formats, borders, etc.

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=-b7 where b7 is an example cell reference. The result will be the negative of whatever is in b7.

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What are the steps to start Microsoft excel?

Create a shortcut key by right clicking on the excel icon on the desktop or from the folder menu and click properties. Define your shortcut key. Can do from the keyboard once this is done.

What is the right click menu in excel called?

It is called the shortcut menu.

What keyboard shortcut is the help resource in Excel 2012?

F1 is always help in Excel and other Windows products. It is a universal standard.

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The results of formulas that you type in are outputs in Excel. If you do filters, the results you get are outputs. Charts are an output. If you print anything from Excel, that is an output.

Alt- equals mean on a Excel sheet?

Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.Alt Equals is one of the many shortcut key combinations in Excel. It is used to trigger the SUM function. So if you have a column of numbers, you could put the cursor in a blank cell at the bottom. If you then pressed Alt and the Equals key, it would enter a SUM function that selects the cells in the column with the numbers. Pressing Enter would put the formula into the cell.

Is there a shortcut key for fractions?

Not in Excel. Excel does not use fractions. If you need to use fractions, then turn them into decimals. You can represent 1/2 in excel with the formula =1/2.

What is a shortcut menu in excel?

If you right-click on the mouse or hit the shortcut menu key on your keyboard, a menu appears with common commands that are used or are relevant at the time depending on what you are doing. This menu is known as a shortcut menu.