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Q: Which DocMemory test would be ideal for diagnosing a thermal intermittent?
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Why would a continuous test be ideal for diagnosing a a thermal intermittent?

Partially corrupted modules (RAM) don't show a problem until they are running at certain temperatures. Running a continuous test allows you to reach certain temperatures and then if there are problems they will begin to show.

Why would a continous test be ideal for diagnosing a thermal intermittent?

Partially corrupted modules (RAM) don't show a problem until they are running at certain temperatures. Running a continuous test allows you to reach certain temperatures and then if there are problems they will begin to show.

Who invented the intermittent windshield wiper?

Robert Kearns and then the Auto companies stole his ideal.

How does the thermal efficiency of an ideal Otto Cycle change with the compression ratio of the engine and the specific heat ratio of the working fluid?

The answer is 38.

What the best conductor of thermal energy?

Generally, metals such as copper, silver, and aluminum are the best conductors of thermal energy due to their high thermal conductivity values. These materials are able to quickly transfer heat through their atomic lattice structures, making them ideal for applications where efficient heat transfer is needed.

Does a thermal insulator keep heat in or out or both?

A thermal insulator is designed to keep heat in or out, depending on the direction of heat flow. It reduces heat transfer by trapping air or creating a barrier that slows down the movement of heat energy.

Why does strong repulsion between molecules not represent an ideal gas behavior?

The ideal gas laws are based on a model in which the ideal gas is composed of molecules which neither attract nor repel each other. The pressure that the ideal gas exerts on its container is simply the result of the random thermal motion of the molecules and the continual collisions which result from that random thermal motion. If the molecules also repelled each other, then they would produce a gas with even higher pressure, and the pressure would also increase more rapidly, if the gas was compressed, than it does in the absence of such repulsion. The observed behavior of real gases is much closer to that of an ideal gas that does not include repulsion between molecules. No such repulsion has been observed.

When light is incident on a black body it is?

absorbed completely, as black bodies are ideal absorbers of electromagnetic radiation. This absorption results in the conversion of light energy into thermal (heat) energy.

Why are diamonds used in heat sinks?

Diamonds are used in heat sinks because of their excellent thermal conductivity, which allows them to efficiently transfer heat away from a source. Additionally, diamonds have high thermal stability and can withstand extreme temperatures, making them ideal for heat management in electronic devices.

What is the thermal expansion coefficient of ammonia gas at standard temperature and pressure?

Most of the time when you encounter argon and nitrogen they will be gasses. Until you get up to high pressures, they will both behave more or less like ideal gasses. For an ideal gas, the volumetric thermal expansivity (i.e. relative change in volume due to temperature change) is: ßp = 1/T where p denotes a constant pressure process. The coefficient of linear expansion can be calculated from this to get: α ≈ ßp/3 For liquids, the value has to be measured because it certainly isn't an ideal gas when it is liquid! For liquid argon, the coefficient of thermal expansion is reported to be 0.01113 1/°C. For liquid nitrogen, the coefficient of thermal expansion is reported to be 0.00753 1/°C Note that you have to get down to cryogenic temperatures to liquefy argon and nitrogen and it tends to be under pressure when stored in a closed vessel.

What are 3 common insulators?

Three common insulators are rubber, glass, and plastic. These materials are used to prevent the flow of electricity and heat, making them ideal for applications where insulation is important.

What makes Aluminium Brass Tubes significant in heat transfer applications?

Aluminium Brass Tubes possess high thermal conductivity, making them ideal for heat transfer applications in various industries.