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Q: Where would you identify row in spreadsheet?
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What is displayed to identify the rows of a spreadsheet?

Rows are identified by numbers. The numbers appear down the left side of the spreadsheet. When a row is selected, or any cells in a row are selected, the row header changes colour to indicate that.

What is more smallest a column or a row?

There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.There are less cells in a spreadsheet row than in a spreadsheet column.

Is a spreadsheet label the intersection of a column and a row?

No. A label is a heading for data in a spreadsheet. It would be in a cell, which is what the intersection of a column and a row is.

Why do numbers appear on the right hand side of a cell?

Well, sweetheart, those numbers on the right-hand side of a cell in a spreadsheet are just the cell's value. It's like the cell's way of saying, "Hey, this is how much I'm worth!" So, when you see those numbers, just remember it's the cell's way of showing off its assets.

In excel you should reserve a row for what headings?

You can put headings in a cells on a row for the values in each column that a cell is above. That way you can easily identify what the values are referring to. So in a row you could have headings like Income, Expenses, Balance, Sales, Profits, Tax and so on, depending on what your spreadsheet is actually about. You could also have a major heading for the entire spreadsheet in a row.

what are the row numbers that appear automatically in an excel spreadsheet called?

Serial numbers. Or, generically for any spreadsheet, row headers.

Adjacent cells in a row or column are called a?

In terms of a database, they would be a record. In a spreadsheet it would be a range.

Which spreadsheet feature would you use to identify sections of a pie chart?

a column.

What is a row or column in ICT?

A row is a horizontal line of cells in a spreadsheet or table. A column is a vertical line of cells in a spreadsheet or table.

What do you reserve for a spreadsheet title in Excel?

You can give your spreadsheet any title you like. There is nothing in a spreadsheet that is exclusive to a title. Usually, people like to reserve the first row for the location to place a spreadsheet title.

Move a row to the top of the spreadsheet?

While you are in spreadsheet go to the beginning of the row you would like to move (all the way to the left but not too far where it shows the number). then while clicking and holding the mouse down drag the mouse to the end of the row (all the way to the right). after that click the selected area and drag it to the top of your spreadsheet or your selected location.

Is a column and row go in a spreadsheet cell?

A cell is the intersection of a column and a row.