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Q: Where should PHI and PII be stored?
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PII and PHI may be stored on mobile devices?


Can PII and PHI be stored on mobile devices?

PII and PHI can be stored on mobile devices but it is difficult and time consuming to do. It requires protection to do so since it is very hard to do and understand.

When can PII and PHI be stored on mobile devices?

There is not a specific time that PII or PHI to be stored on a mobile device. It is advised that they are not stored on mobile devices, laptops, or USB memory sticks. If they are, the use of encryption is highly advised.

When can PII and PHI may be stored on mobile devices?

There is not a specific time that PII or PHI to be stored on a mobile device. It is advised that they are not stored on mobile devices, laptops, or USB memory sticks. If they are, the use of encryption is highly advised.

When may PII and PHI may be stored on mobile devices?

There is not a specific time that PII or PHI to be stored on a mobile device. It is advised that they are not stored on mobile devices, laptops, or USB memory sticks. If they are, the use of encryption is highly advised.

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PII, PHI, and financial information is classified as what type of information?

PII PHI and financial information is classified as what type of information?


What special handling are required to protect privacy data and or sensitive data?

Labeling PII and/or PHI as "Controlled Unclassified Information" AND Transporting PII/PHI physically between approved locations with prior authorizations AND Storing PII/PHI after formal approval for transfer to a storage site are all required for special handling of privacy and sensitive data.

Best practice to ensure protection of personally identifiable information PII and or protected health information PHI?

One of the best practices to ensure protection of PII or PHI is by using a locked cabinet, desk or safe.

PII PHI and financial information is classified as what type of informatation?


Is an incidental use or disclosure is not a violation of the HIPAA Privacy Rule if the covered entity?

All of the above. Breaches are commonly associated with human error at the hands of a workforce member. Improper disposal of electronic media devices containing PHI or PII is also a common cause of breaches. Theft and intentional unauthorized access to PHI and PII are also among the most common causes of privacy and security breaches. Another common cause of a breach includes lost or stolen electronic media devices containing PHI and PII such as laptop computers, smartphones and USB storage drives. Lost or stolen paper records containing PHI or PII also are a common cause of breaches.

What kind of authentication does DoD require to encrypt sensitive data including PII and PHI on mobile devices and when e-mailed?

The DoD requires you to have a password. This will let you view sensitive data including PII and PHI on mobile devices and e-mails.