The Mac's shift key is activated by pressing it down.
Command-Option-Shift-T is the Mac version of the Windows command Control-Alt-Shift-T. In general the Mac uses the Command key where Windows uses the Control key.
A popular keylogger application for the Mac operating system is Aobo Mac OS X Keylogger Pro.
Press cmd+shift+N on mac or ctrl+shift+N on pc
Macs do not use a BIOS so there is no key to press.
To turn off the negative effect on your Mac Book Pro (turning the screen black, white, and a few other colors), hold the command key, the alt/option key, and the ctrl key (all three in a row), and then hit the 8 key (the key above the keyboard, not on the number key pad).
To type at on a Mac is a two step operation: 1: press the A key 2: press the T key If the symbol @ is required it is usually found by pressing the Shift and 2 keys.
The Mac keyboard does not have a delete key. On MacBooks forward deletion can be achieved by holding down the Fn key and pressing the BackSpace key. Some applications replicate this operation with a Shift or Alt and BackSpace key combination but it is not native to the Mac's user interface.
Mac Pro is better than Mac Genius. Mac Pro is a faster computer than Mac Genius. It has old Mac based proceesors but it is faster.
The @ symbol is on the "2" key. Hold down "Shift" and press "2".
An Apple Mac Pro starts from $1199 (£999).