

Best Answer

it is most located in Dallas Texas because of the learning enviroment and communties

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Q: Where is peer pressue most located?
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Why do you think jrotc help you with peer pressure?

jrotc helps you with peer pressure because if you dnt have on ur uniform right u get a F and who want to get a F everyday. peer pressue 4 you

Is peer-to-peer the most popular type of network for organizations?

Most organizations of any reasonable size use a client-server network rather than peer to peer. Peer to peer is a good solution for small organizations or departments, but doesn't scale very well for most organizations.

What is the most common type of home network?

Peer-to-peer network (P2P)

What are the two most common LAN architectures?

Client/server And Peer to peer

Most common type of network is?

a peer-to-peer (P2P) network

Which of the following is a reason why peer pressue influences consumers?

One reason peer pressure influences consumers is the desire to fit in socially and be accepted by their peers. Consumers may feel the need to conform to group norms and make purchasing decisions based on what their friends or peers are doing. Peer pressure can also create a fear of missing out on trends or experiences, leading individuals to make choices they otherwise wouldn't.

What are some of the typical forms of peer pressure?

Drug peer pressure, peer pressure related with alcohol, sexual peer pressure, and even peer pressure to break the law, are some of the most typical ones.

Is peer to peer the most common network in a home?

For homes and small offices, the most common model is peer-to-peer networking. A peer-to-peer network, also called a workgroup, is commonly used for home and small business networks. In this model, computers directly communicate with each other and do not require a server to manage network resources.

Are not allowed when peer editing another person's paper?

Peer editing is allowed, most teachers encourage that. Definitely get your paper peer edited.

The company BitComent is located in what city?

Assuming this refers to the company "BitComet", the Bitcomet Development Group is based in Beijing, China. The company's most famous product is their "BitComet" software which allows for easier management of peer-to-peer file sharing arrangements.

What happens when you disable peer peer transfer when downloading wow?

It'll most likely speed up.

What are the disadvantages of a sever based network over a peer to peer network?

the most advantages of peer to peer network configuration iseasily setupall users can have authorized to control