On exhibit at the Cleveland museum. just saw it yesterday!
Well, there are at least 6 of them. Originals.
The original thinker, also known as "The Thinker," is a bronze sculpture created by Auguste Rodin, located in the Rodin Museum in Paris, France. This iconic sculpture is a symbol of philosophy and intellectual activity.
Movement and emotion are captured through textural variations.
A Thinker that is Challenged
Renaissance thinker
What mammal is a thinker & toolmaker
the thinker was created in 1902
The thinker is thinking about something I do not know of.
I Am an Impure Thinker was created in 1970.
Mad Thinker was created in 1963.
Joan of Arc was a religious thinker and rebel
American Thinker was created in 2005-05.
I Am an Impure Thinker has 248 pages.