

Best Answer

are you gay? n00b how can you not know that?

you're too dumb for me to tell you sumthing like that

... retard

Please take no notice of the 1st answer. I'm not sure how sexual preference aids in finding a non-existent Key on a keyboard, but the spelling, lack of ability to click the spell check button and the fact that the person even bothered to login and type that, most certainly points to the insults being more of a reflection of the persons character than anything you did wrong.

Most American keyboards I have come across DO NOT have the AltGr key on them. Here is a link to a Wiki article about it:

At present I am in my office and have 4 different USB keyboards around me and none of them have a "Alt-GR" key ( 1 Dell, 1 Emprex, 1 Acer and 1 Keytronic ).

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Q: Where is Alt key on my Mac keyboard?
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The Mac keyboard does not have a delete key. On MacBooks forward deletion can be achieved by holding down the Fn key and pressing the BackSpace key. Some applications replicate this operation with a Shift or Alt and BackSpace key combination but it is not native to the Mac's user interface.

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No key is the degree key, so just put "degrees fareneheit" or "degrees celcius". On Mac OS X, Alt + 0 will produce the degrees symbol.

What is alt key?

An alt key is a key on a computer keyboard which is used to alter the functions of certain other keys.

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Press Alt Gr and 5 on your keyboard.

What does 'Alt' stand for?

On a keyboard, the ALT key would stand for: "Alternate".

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alt 4

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You can press the what key on the keyboard to display a key tip badge or keyboard code icon?

ALT KEY!! just took the test and put ctrl (which is wrong!) bc some idiot thought they knew the answer. put ALT KEY if you want the right answer!!

What is the mod key on Mac?

The mod key, or alt key is called the option key on a Mac. It is to the right or left of the command key.