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You use the lead supplied with the Kindle - to connect to the computer's vacant USB port.

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11y ago

You would connect it to a spare USB socket.

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Q: Where do you hook the kindle up on the computer?
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Why would a person hook up a Kindle or Nook to the computer when they're wireless to begin with?

You would hook it up to charge it through the USB, or to download ebooks if you don't have wi-fi at home.

Can you put songs on a Kindle Fire?

Yes, you can you just hook it up to your computer and go through your music and just add it to the icon that says kindle fire.'s not to complicated!!

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To get books on your kindle or kindle fire, hook it up to the internet and buy the books on-line. Wait for them to download then enjoy.

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yes all you do is remove USB port thing from the charger and hook it up to your computer then you right click the song you want transfer and then click on send to then click on Kindle which you will know what Im talking about after you complrte the other steps.

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i think you might have to use usb cable to hook it up to your computer

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No, unfortunately you can't. The Nook system is different than a computers so it doesn't send signals to a printer.

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How do you get your Kindle Fire to work with your mac laptop?

If it the acutal kindle you can hook up the chord to it. I use my camera chord. something that fits in to the place u usually put the charger.

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You can usually hook up your TV to your computer via a S-Video cable, though you'll also need to hook up audio as well.

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you have to get a memory card and hook it in the computer

If you already have a computer and want a laptop how do you hook it up?

Hook what up? If you want a laptop, go and buy one.