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They live in the desert of Africa. The dig burrows and live in groups called gangs or mobs with up to about 40 Meerkats but are usually smaller.

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They dig tunnels in the desert.

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Q: Where do meekats live?
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What animal eat meerkats?

lions, meateaters like that that live in the area of meekats, and lots of large birds such as hawks or owls.

How far do meekats see?

very far. If they have binocular vision then they can see for miles. :)

What color are meekats?

Meerkats are sandy-brown with dark stripes, and black circles round their eyes to shade them from the sun.

How many bones does a meerkat have?

A meerkat has 185 bones. Meerkats have an endosystem and no tail bone just a tail that help them with balance.

How many meerkats are there in the world?

There are three species of the meerkat. It is a member of the mongoose family that is found in the Sahara and sub Sahara area of Africa.

When was Live Live Live Extra created?

Live Live Live Extra was created on 1995-12-31.

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He did not live in a box, He did not live with a fox, He did not live on a train, He did not live in Ukraine, He did not live here nor there, He did not live anywhere!

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I live in a house. I live in the city of _____. I live at the Winchester Arms Apartments.

When was ...Live.... created?

Live Live Live was created in 1985.

What is the difference between live in live on and live at?

You live in a home. You live on a street. You live at an address. They all essentially describe where you live, but the "in, on,at" is used to specify which location you are conveying.