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One could purchase a white mouse at a variety of different pet stores. Pet stores, such as Petco, are a great place to purchase any pet as they are great with helping them get domesticated.

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Q: Where could one purchase a white mouse to keep as a pet?
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I don't get your question but if you mean if you buy a mouse and feed it to a snake how long will it live then the answer is a couple minutes because the snake will soon sneak up on it and swallow it whole.

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It could be white or yellow.

What is the best pet mouse?

the best mouse to keep for a pet is female fancy mouse

Is it okay to keep a mouse without other mice?

Yes, you can, but you will have a healthier happier mouse if you keep 2 or more mice. If you do decide to keep one mouse, be sure to give it plenty of toys and attention.

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Move your mouse left and right to keep your cursor as close as possible to the white target symbol on the ground. This will keep your character upright and you will win the horse.

How do you find a lost mouse?

First of all, go through your house room by room, remove furniture and clean as you go along. Where you come along alot of mouse droppings, a mean a whole trail, keep looking, their nest consists of like white shredded paper/toilet paper. Another way is to stay up and keep on eye on where the mice run.

Can you just keep 1 mouse?


What do you keep a pet mouse in?

A cage

How long can a mouse be in a car?

A question answered with a question. Why do you want to keep a mouse in a car? I'm assuming a live mouse.