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most good pet shops should stock them, (pets at home) in the UK do. or you can ask your local pet shop if they could stock (live) ones on a temporary basis. otherwise Google fancy mouse brfeeders in your area.

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Q: Where can you get female fancy mice?
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Which type of mice is the best for a pet?

The best type of mice is the Fancy female mice, you must get 2 for healthy pets they are nicer than males and don't smell as bad as the fancy male mice.

Are tame fancy rats usually good pets?

Yes very good pets I have one and I love him. Just notice that Mice are nocturnal and if you don't want them to be lazy and sleep during the day than i suggest playing with them a lot or putting them in their ball, if you do not own a ball they are very cheap at the following places, WalMart, Pet Smart, and maybe your local pet store. Most mice do have diseases but Fancy mice have very little that will not harm human. It is better if you get 2 mice because they get very lonely mostly female and female are better if you get male and female they will have babies real quick so i suggest female and female. (no they will not fight) Fancy Mice are not expensive the one I got was $3 but the cage was $25 that's not very much. Male mice get urine on the cage bars(don't ask me why I'm only 11) But is stinks so it is better to get females. Fancy Mice are kid friendly and do not bite*************************** I Hope This Helped!!*******************

What is the name of a female mouse?

Mouse breeders call white mice PEW (pink-eyed white) or BEW (black-eyed white). The scientific species name of mice, both wild house mice and pet fancy mice, is mus musculus.

Do fancy mice have babies?


Are fancy mice bigger then regular mice?

This is a misnomer. Fancy mice are the exact same as feeder mice, they are usually just more colourful and sometimes tamer/handled more often as they are intended as pets.

Do fancy mice and common mice mix?

If by Fancy mice you mean Show mice, & common you mean pet/lab/snake food mice, then yes, they do mix. They're all basically the same animal, just different variations.

Where did fancy mice come from?

they came from heaven

Can white fancy pet mice and wild house mice produce offsoring?

i am a snake

What common mice are supposed to be pets?

If you go to the pet store you will find mice for sale called "fancy mice" they come in many different colors and coat styles. Compared to most mice they are more calm and less likely to bite.

How fast do fancy mice run?

They don't they have someone do it for them.

What is the smallest breed of pet rat?

fancy mice

Can you put fancy mice in hamster tubes?

yes, anything for small rodents can be used for mice!