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There are many ways or places to find an email address. Among them are in your email folders, calling them on the phone, business cards, newsgroups or usergroups, and online directories.

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You can find the email address of a Skype ID from your contact list by going to the individual's profile. If the individual has made their email address public you will find it in there profile. If the individual has made their email address private you cannot find it.

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What if you dont have email address?

There are a number of ways you can sign up for an email address. Gmail and Hotmail are two examples. Both of these address sites are free at the moment.

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You can find it by asking the person their email address

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Check The Yellow Pages Of Your Towns Phonebook.

If you are asked for a URL will an email address do?

no. URL is a web address on the internet. email address is for someone to send you an email. Examples: (URL) (email address) A URL is what you put in the address section of an Internet Explorer window, then hit return and you will go to that website. An email address is just for you to receive mail.

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Find his email address

How can you email Michael Baisden?

Go online and find his Email address and then email him

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look her up and email her