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It is actually relatively easy to do a defragmentation on a computer hard drive. Most people should do this at least once a month, but more often if they are frequently moving content on or off of their computer. According to wikiHow, there are several different tools available to do this. All Windows-based computers have a built in tool, or there are several others you can buy through the internet.

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What do you do if your computer is sluggish?

A few free tips to deal with a sluggish computer: - Check and remove malware software. - Defrag pc hard disk. - Scan for registry issues. - Change a good system protection software.

Use defrag in a sentence?

Many people believe that your computer will work more efficiently if you defrag it regularly.

When does a person use disk defragmentation?

A person should use disk defrag weekly to keep computer from slowing down but you only have to do it when it does slow down.

How does your videos get ruined when you defrag your computer?

A defrag should not affect your videos at all. However, it could affect your media player(s).

Why do you Defrag comps?

you don't have to but when your computer gets fraged it starts to move slower because it is trying harder to find the information. when you defrag your computer it moves the info to places were it can find it you can work faster.

What happens when you do something bad to an computer?

You get viruses and it starts to run slow so defrag it.

Do you lose any files if you defrag your computer?

It is possible if you defrag too often. Try to limit defragmenting to as little as possible, as defragmenting too much can cause im data loss.

Will downloading games affect your computer?

Well, its a yes and no answer. Downloading a few games, no problem. But if you were to download many unrelenting waves of different games, over and over again, it can cause you'r computer to slow down significantly. If you don't think you haven't downloaded that many games and you'r computer is starting to slow down, defrag you'r computer. To learn how to defrag search, "How do I defrag my computer". This should show you, step by step, how to defrag you'r computer, which makes you'r computer go faster. You can also make it faster manually by deleting games or other things that you don't want. You can't just delete them, though. You have to uninstall them by right clicking them and clicking the "uninstall" button. Hope this helps!!!

How does defrag work?

When you defragment your computer, it places all kinds of clustered files into a more organized form, taking less time to find them. Be careful not to defrag more than once every couple months, since that will destroy your hard drive if you over defrag.

Can you harm your computer if you de-frag to often?

Yes, defrag your computer every month. Make sure you do it right, and not to mess up.

Why wont your computer let you defrag?

If you have certain programs open, such as Zone Alarm, they keep writing to the disc, which cause the Defrag program to start over again. Do a Control +Alt+ Delete to find out which programs are running, and shut down all but Explorer, the drive that you are working with, and the Defrag program.

How do you fix a Windows error that says 'the specified module could not be found'?

Have you tried to do a Defrag of your C:Drive? Go into my computer and right click on the c drive. Then go to properties, click on Tools and then on Defragment now, It may defrag right then or most likely it will tell you the it will defrag the next time you start your computer. That may help the problem. If not it will not hurt. Give it a try... Good Luck