Try They have instructions for many mac problem, issues, and commands.
The latest news about Mac computers will be on the official Mac website. There are also various forums for Mac users which will have information and news and rumors which can be interesting. Examples of these are mac-forums and forums.macrumors.
No, Cool Edit Pro is not available for Mac users.
There are a wide range of websites that are currently offering free games for Mac users. These games can be found on sites such as Gamehouse, Appstorm and Macapper.
you go to the users folder, then go into your folder, then go to library then application support and then minecraft
A Mac's "BIOS" is not really a BIOS. It is OpenFirmware, which many Mac users find to be better than BIOS. To access OpenFirmware, you must use two hands on the keyboard and the key combination CMD-OPT-O-F.
When online, it doesn't really matter whether you are a mac users or windows user.
NOW, go and check out the website! IMVU is now available forr MAC :)
The majority of the reviews for the MAC Paint Pots state that the users have not had trouble with creasing. MAC products are usually a great value for the money.
The lyrics for Sad Angel by Fleetwood Mac can be found on lyric sites by searching the web. The lyrics may also be found in multiple videos on YouTube uploaded by its users.
Free stock calculators can be downloaded online at Mac users can also download a stock calculator at the Mac App store. Windows also has a stock calculator available.