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There are several different types of tablet computers out there, and the first thing is knowing the difference between them. has a great article which goes into the types of tablet PCs and how they work.

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Q: Where can I find one of those tablet computers you can flip around with the swivel monitor?
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How far does this model swivel?

This can function as a tablet PC. That is, the screen can swivel completely around and the lid closed so that the screen is on the outside. The screen is a touch screen and can be used with a stylus.

Are Laptop computers also known as tablet computers?

No, but a tablet is a type of laptop. With a tablet computer/ PC you can write on the screen using a stylus. Also, most tablet PC's have a screen that swivels around upside down so it can be used like a pad of paper.

When you have the keyboard of a tablet PC folded underneath the monitor which mode is the PC in?


Can a tablet be used as a monitor?

Don't think so.

Difference between mini laptop and general laptop?

Both are mobile computers. However, the mini laptop has a keyboard while the tablet does not. A mini laptop's screen is smaller than full size, while one side of a tablet is the monitor. A tablet's monitor is touch sensitive and has a virtual keyboard when required to input info. Both do not have any space for built-in storage drives. The mini laptop does provide ports for connecting an external drive, while the tablet does not.

Can PC Tablets connect to Macs?

Yes Tablet computers can connect to Mac computers; details will depend upon the tablet, the operating system and the Mac in question.

What a sentence for tablet?

Here are some sentences.Take this tablet for your headache.The green tablet is my blood pressure medicine.

Which device can be consider as a input and out put device?

In relation to computers, there are many devices that can be considered input/output devices: Input: Mouse Keyboard Graphics Tablet Microphone Scanner Output: Monitor Speaker Printer Also, a touchscreen monitor can be considered both an input and output device.

Can Microsoft Excel work on tablet computers?

Yes it can.

Is docking station can be connected to a monitor?

Docking stations connect to tablets note, the tablet serving as the monitor, the dock as the keyboard.

What are applications that run on smartphones and tablet computers?

Web base

Classification of personal computer?

Most of the personal computers are usually microcomputers. They include the laptop computers, the desktop computers, the tablet computer, and the smartbooks.