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They can be stored in either of three places. The Macintosh HD, the desktop, or the Documents folder. To create your own folder, go to file, then new folder.

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Q: Where are the Folders on your Computer stored for on a mac?
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What displays links to the files and folders stored in various locations on your computer for quick access?

Your computer hard drive

Are chat sessions and emails stored in the computer-How can you get rid of them?

yeah it is stored in their application folders! u can used privacy eraser for this

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What is a storage drive?

The internal hard drive of a computer is an example of a drive on which data (files, folders, etc) can be stored.

What can Mac OS X folders contain?

anything, even other folders.

When a computer is shut off data is still held in Ram Rom Folders or all of them?

When you shut the computer off, you lose what is in RAM. The computer keeps what is in ROM (it would not start again without it), and you generally keep what is in your folders. If the folders were actually stored in RAM and not on the hard drive, you would lose the data. Or if the computer glitched when you cut it off, you might lose a little bit of what is on the hard drive. But generally, you keep what is in ROM and in the folders on your hard drive.

Is all the information in outlook stored in folders?

Yes, the information in Microsoft Outlook is stored in hidden folders, usually on your computers C:\ drive.

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Where is the Mac address stored?

MAC address stored in NIC card

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Spotlight is an advanced search tool which can rapidly locate files and folders and emails on a Mac.

When you compress the folders in a folder the original folders are stored in the new compressed folder true or false?


A refers to the precise way file folders are stored.?
