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Q: When your Mac is turned on what application is always running.?
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Can iworks save as pdf?

Mac OS X has PDF capabilities built in so any application running on a Mac, including iWorks, can save as a PDF from the Print dialogue box.

What is MAC application?

A Mac application is like a program that runs on windows, but it runs on a Mac. Btw mac applications are better than windows applications.

Does the mac need to be turned on to use airport?

A Mac's airport card connects the Mac to a wireless network. If the Mac is turned off it will not be connected to the network.

'When a Mac is turned on what program is automatically launched?

The Finder is the program that is automatically launched when a Mac is turned on.

Can you upgrade from Mac 10.4.11 to a Mac 10.6.11 in an old apple computer?

No. Snow Leopard is a Intel-Processor Only application. Any computer running 10.4 is PowerPC, which would not allow it to run 10.6.

How do you get out of a program on a Mac?

To Quit a program running on Mac OS X select Quit from the Program's Name menu. The shortcut for this is always the Command (cmd) key and Q.

Can you have more than one windows screen open on a mac?

On a Mac you can have many windows open for an application, you can have several applications running at the same time (depending on how much memory your Mac has) on a desktop and you can have several desktops. The multiple desktops feature is called Spaces (see link below) on a Mac.

Is there a fax application for Mac?

Yes...Page Sender for Mac.

What do you do if your a Mac application gets delted off your Mac?

If you mean that your operating system has been deleted off your mac, simply insert your Mac OS Install Disk (1) into your mac when booting and it will guide you through the steps to have Mac OS reinstalled. Please note that if your operating system is deleted from your computer, it is possible that all your files and applications will have been deleted too. If you mean that one of the applications that Mac OS came with have been deleted, try restoring the item from your Trash if you haven't emptied it yet, if this cannot be done then simply insert your Mac OS Install Disk (1) and select the application/utility that you have deleted to be installed again. If you mean that an application that did not come with Mac OS was deleted, you will need to find the install disk or re-download that specific application to be installed. Note. If you have time machine actively running on your mac, you may be able to restore the application if you go back to a time where it was working properly.

What application to choose on a Mac?

On a Mac you can choose any of the available applications.

Is the track pad going to work on the iMac 9.1 2.226 2009?

The Magic TrackPad will work with any Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard v10.6.4 or higher. It connects to the Mac via Bluetooth which will need to be turned on from the Bluetooth section of System Preferences.

What does the application 'Wine' do on a Mac?

The application known as 'Wine' that can be gotten on a Mac is able to allow users of Mac systems to use applications that were originally designed for Microsoft Windows systems.