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It can incorporate it into the table, so that it is part of the table.

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Q: When you type data in a row immediately below an existing table what will Excel do?
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Why use VLOOKUP in MS Excel?

Vlookup is used for many purposes in MS Excel base on circumstances. I will describe few basic scenrios below 1. You want to find out whether a particular value existing from huge list of values. 2. You want to find corresponding value from table against the value you know. See the related questions below.

When you format a range of cells as a table what does Excel displays in the first row of the table?

Normally it would be headings for the values in the columns below each cell in the row.

Is it possible to copy and paste a table of data from a Word document to an Excel worksheet?

Yes it is. See the related question below.

What is a nested table in Excel?

It is a table inside another table.

How to make table in excel-?

Here is a video tutorial on how to make a table in Excel.

Can tables in Excel be used as tables in Word?

You can copy a table in Excel and paste it into Word. You will lose any formulas, but the resulting values will be retained. You can also link a Word document to a table in Excel, which will allow changes in the Excel table to be maintained in the Word document.

Which button formats data as a table in Excel?

In Excel 2007, use the "Format as Table" button in the Styles section of the Home tab.

An access object with which you can enter new records into a table edit existing records in a table or display existing records from a table is a?

The answer would be form.

A table in Excel is most similar to?

Sometimes it can be similar to a table in a database.

What is the use of time table in Microsoft Excel?

You can make a time table in Excel to show schedules of many things (trains, airplanes, etc.).

What is the breakpoint in Excel?

In excel it is the lowest value for a specific category or series in a lookup table.