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What your phone system says when it can't get through is not the fault of the iPad. Skype and other IP phone systems are separate from the main phone switchboard, so you may need to just sleep your iPad instead of turning it off to get the app to work.

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Q: When you call your iPad from a phone it says the iPad number is busy but the iPad is turned off?
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Answerit would forward to the voice mail.Call forwarding service activated on someone's cell/phone number will send it either to the voicemail (if it's configured) or simply will sound busy.

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A cell phone does not have a busy signal. If the person is on the phone, the call would go to voicemail, or it would go to call waiting.

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who would I contact to check phone service in Kanab, UT. When dialing a number I get the message "all curcuits are busy" this has been happening for days?

Call the operator and have her check. If busy for them have a service man come out.