What is the codename of Windows NT 4.0 operating system?
Windows NT 4 did not have a specific codename. The changes
between it and Windows NT 3.51 (codenamed Daytona) were mainly just
a shell update. The shell update was created as part of the Cairo
What are the different editions of Windows NT 3.1?
Windows NT 3.1 only came in two versions, Windows NT 3.1 and
Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server.
What is the difference between Windows NT and Windows NT?
Absolutely nothing.
Witch Windows NT old one is the best?
Windows NT 4.0
What came first windows NT or windows 2000?
Windows NT came first. NT 4.0 came to manufacturing in 1996, and
Win 2000 was released to retail in February of 2000. [Windows 2000
is also known as Windows NT 5.0.]
Which Microsoft operating systems support ONLY 32-bit device drivers?
Windows NT 3.1
Windows NT 3.5
Windows NT 3.51
Windows NT 4
Windows ME (officially; unofficially could still use 16-bit
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003
Windows Vista
Windows Server 2008
Is windows NT is multiuser operational system?
yes. windows nt is a multiuser operating system
Did windows NT use a DOS core?
No. Windows NT had it's own kernel and bootloader.