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Apple Cards was created on 2011-10-13.

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Q: When was Apple Cards created?
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Related questions

Where do you get apple gift cards?

from either the apple store or at walmart

Does Walgreen's sell apple store gift cards?

Walgreen's sells Apple iTunes gift cards to buy music. As far as gift cards to spend money at the apple store? You will have to go to an apple store to purchase that. You could also go to the apple website and order a gift card on-line and have it shipped to you.

Which Company made the iTunes gift cards?

Apple company made the iTunes gift cards. The iTunes gift cards that apple have made are for sale but don't worry, they already added the price on each gift cards.

When was No Cards created?

No Cards was created in 1869.

When was Apple Jacks created?

Apple Jack was created in 2003.

Where can you buy Apple gift cards?

Any Itunes card will allow you to buy apps. You do not need a specific "app card."

Does the apple store let you use gift cards?

Yes. They are called iTunes cards.

Who created the Apple?

The one who created the apple is God

Can you use apple gift cards on the kindle?

no you cant

Can you buy songs with apple gift cards?


When was Marked Cards created?

Marked Cards was created in 1994.

When was The Deck of Cards created?

The Deck of Cards was created in 1948.