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Q: When using a web browser indicates the purpose of the refresh botton?
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How do you quit RestrauntCity?

Hold down the Alt botton the delete botton and last but not least the Ctrl botton :-)

When did Frédéric Botton die?

Frédéric Botton died in 2008.

Is there a botton inside somewhere to pop the trunk in a buick rendezvous?

The botton for the truck is right next to the the botton for the rear wipers.

When was Gilbert de Botton born?

Gilbert de Botton was born in 1935.

When was Janet de Botton born?

Janet de Botton was born in 1952.

What has the author Henri Botton written?

Henri Botton has written: 'Les plantes de couverture'

How do you log out of the FaceTime app on iPod touch?

just press the home botton(the middle botton)

How do you do a 360 dunk on 2k10 for Xbox 360?

Left botton, right botton, x botton, jump and then go down run around jump up press x then y and spin.

What has the author Jean de Botton written?

Jean de Botton has written: 'Fou Fou discovers America'

When was Alain de Botton born?

Alain de Botton was born on December 20, 1969, in Zurich, Switzerland.

How do you add a website in a picture?

??? Did you mean: How do you add a Picture in a Website? or How do I take a Picture of a website?

Where to find the download botton in youtube?

Many video websits on E.M. Youtube video download tool. Download automatically when u play video on browser,