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When the process of ussuarial token accessorization has began to take place in the industry of micropetrolianology. ( It will take place in 2010, the 5th of August)

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Q: When is a user's access token generated?
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What is generated at log-on and identifies a user and all group memberships associated with that user?

access token

What do users receive when they log on to Active directory that consists of their security group memberships?

Access token

Each time a user attempts to access a resource does the users access token is compared with a list of permissions associated with the resource?

Yes it is.

When users log on to active directory they receive an consisting of all of their security group memberships?

Access Token

Which access method is used in Token Ring?

Token Passing

What is an access token?

An access token is an object which describes the security context of a process or thread, such as the user's identity and privileges.

How do you make your own waja?

You can buy Tokens from the Token Shop or from Users. Then use the Token in the custom maker.

What is token based media access?

Token-based media access is a controlled media access method in which computers pass a special sequence of bits between them; only the node holding this token can transmit on the network. After transmitting its data, or if it has no data to transmit, a node passes the token to the next computer on the network. Neeraj

What is the fddi access method?

token passing

How do you put token in a sentence?

To include a token in a sentence, you can simply mention it within the text. For example, "The security token allowed access to the system."

Are the questions on this site from users or the company web-sites questions or are they computer generated?

The questions on this site are from users versus being company or computer generated.

How do you construct a sentence using the word token?

One example sentence is, "I need a token to access the gym."