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It will copy the formula to other cells. If the cell references are relative, they will change. If they are mixed, they may or may not change, depending on which way the cells are referenced and the direction the cells are being filled. If they are absolute, they will not change.

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Q: When dragging the fill handle what activates the auto-fill feature in excel?
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When the fill handle is used to copy a cell to adjacent cells it's called?

When the fill handle is used to copy a cell to adjacent cells, it is called autofill. Autofill is a feature in spreadsheet software that allows users to quickly fill cells with a series of values or patterns based on the existing data.

As you drag the fill handle you will see?

The fill handle is a tool used in Microsoft Excel. It has various uses in terms of the way it can copy things, so you may see different things on different instances of you using it. As you drag the fill handle, you will see an outline of the area that is to be filled. You may also see values in tip text form beside the fill handle. When you stop dragging, the cells will be filled and you may then see the Autofill icon beside the fill handle.

What is rotate handle?

A rotate handle is a point on a graphic object or shape that allows you to manually rotate the object by clicking and dragging it. This feature is commonly found in graphic design software or presentation programs to enable users to adjust the orientation of an object easily.

When the active cell contains the formula dragging the fill handle causes Excel to?

Copy the forumula to the cells where you drag the fill handle.

When the active cell contains a formula dragging the fill handle causes excel to?

Copy the forumula to the cells where you drag the fill handle.

What is the proper method for entering data in a cell?

You can type direct into a cell or into the formula bar. If you have a database set up, you can also enter data in using a form. Data can also be entered quickly by using facilities such as Autofill and using formulas.

What fishing hook has a handle?

A Gaff, used for hooking large fish and dragging them into the boat.

How do you create a series using AutoFill?

Enter the appropriate number or text (your choice) in several adjacent cells, highlight the cells, click and hold the fill handle (small black box at the corner of the cell), select the options you want from the autofill box, and drag to the location where you would like to show the series.

What is the name of the feature you would use in Excel to create a series of odd numbers from 1 to 99 in a column?

I'd enter the numbers 1 and 3 in two cells, highlight both cells, then drag the fill handle until I have all the numbers 1 - 99 in the column.Excel help refers to it as "dragging the fill handle" or "Auto Fill"

Can you drag the fill handle to the left or up Excel to decrement the series?

Yes, a series can be decremented by dragging up or left.

In addition to creating a series of values dragging the fill handle instructs Excel to the formate of a cell to range?

When you use the fill handle it will copy what is in the cell including the formatting.

What cell contents in Excel is extended to Qtr3 Qtr4 and Qtr1 by dragging the fill handle?

You need to type Qtr2 for that to happen.