The baby mouse can leave it's mother when it's about four weeks or older. At that time, the baby mouse is fully weaned of mother's milk. The baby mouse should also be eating solid foods as well.
Is the mother a mouse? Is the father a mouse? Then yes, it is a mouse.
This depends on the age, and how long the mouse is held. If it is a newborn, and it still greatly depends in it's mother, then chances are, it will. However, if your just poke the baby, it will have no affect. You have to have held it for long enough that your scent covers the thing, instead of its mother's.
That can only mean that the baby mouse will die soon...
Yes, a mouse will nurse young from another mother if the other mother is removed or deceased
YES! In the wild, when an rat or mouse dies, the mother eats them because the scent will attract predators...So the mother eats it to protect the family/group from predators...Remove the dead baby mouse because otherwise the mother will eat it and there is no telling what that could do to the mother...
No way. If the baby mice are in the cage long enough with the mother mouse, the mother mouse will indefinitely eat the babies.
It depends on how old the mouse is. If it is a New-born then no the mom will leave the mouse.
after growth
after a year, when the next baby is born
You should not disturb the mouse at all. Leave her with her babies and let them bond and get used to each other. After three days, you can then look and pick up the baby mice, but remove the mother mouse from her cage, or she'll start moving the babies around.