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I don't know about iTunes but, whenever I use my debit card, the money comes out immediatly

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Q: When does the money come out of your debit card account when you make a purchase on itunes?
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What is debit and example of debit?

In finance, unlike accounting, a debit is a subtraction of funds. When you make a purchase using a debit card, money is subtracted from your account. Hence the name, 'debit card'.

Can you take money out your account on iTunes?

If you mean purchasing songs from iTunes on an iPod, Yes. On an iPod touch you may download music from either a credit/debit card or an iTunes gift card.

Would you get your money back if a bank account is debited?

It depends. If the debit happened by mistake then you will get your money back. But if the debit happened because of a legitimate transaction done on your account, you will not get it back. Ex: online purchase or ATM withdrawal.

How do you add money to an iTunes account?

Purchase a new iTunes gift card. Also, iTunes material can also be purchased by a credit card that is inserted in your account info. (Every iTunes user has to give a credit card number)

If you uninstall iTunes will you lose your account money?

No, you will not lose your account money. The money you register is related to the account, not the actual iTunes software.

How do you add money to a debit card?

Debit cards are linked to a specific bank account. They don't actually hold a balance on the card itself. You can only use a debit card to purchase items if there is sufficient funds in the linked account.

Can you purchase a flight online with a debit card?

Yes, provided the card is yours and you have enough money in your account to pay for it.

What does debit an account mean?

A Debit is a transaction wherein money is debited or withdrawn or taken out from your bank account. For Ex: You use your ATM card to withdraw money from an ATM, this transaction will be reflected as Debit in your account because you have taken money from your account.

What you mean by account?

Account means a single entry in double entry system such as i purchase some thing for business i recorded for example Land debit and money credit these debit and credit are called accounts in accounting

When do we debit bank account?

We debit our bank account every time with withdraw (take out) money from our bank account.

What means of debit?

A Debit is a transaction wherein money is debited or withdrawn or taken out from your bank account. For Ex: You use your ATM card to withdraw money from an ATM, this transaction will be reflected as Debit in your account because you have taken money from your account.

Why the journal entry is debit when the owner withdraws money from the business account for personal use?

It is a debit because money is being taken from the account. You debit the owner's capital account and credit cash/bank.