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When you copy cells in Excel, the data in the copied cells, the cell references are automatically adjusted. If the copied area includes hidden cells, these cells are also copied. To copy a selection of cells to a different worksheet, click another worksheet tab and select the upper-left cell of the paste area.

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8y ago

The data is the cells they are copied from remain in their location and unchanged. A highlight around the cell or cells copied will indicate that they are the cells being copied. When they are pasted data should not change, but cell references in formulas may change. That depends on the reference styles. Relative references will change. Mixed references may change, depending on the type of mixed reference and where they are being copied to. Absolute references will not change.

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9y ago

If it is data in the cell, then that data will appear in the other cell and the the data in the copied cell, the one whose data has been copied, will not have anything done to it.

If there is a formula in the cell that is being copied, remembering that formulas are not data, then the formula will not be changed in the copied cell, but may adjust in the cell or cells it is copied to, depending on what the formula actually is. Cell references may change, but they will not if they are absolute references for example.

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10y ago

The original data is left in the cells and is not change, while a copy is taken into the memory of the computer from where it can be pasted to a new location.

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Q: When cells are copied using Excel copy function what happens to the data in the copied cells?
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To be technically accurate, no function does this. The answer you are looking for is the AVERAGE function. It divides by the amount of cells that have values in them, not by the amount of cells. In most situations, all of the selected cells have values in them, but there are cases when they don't.

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Yes. You simply copy the cells, then highlight the upper left most cell of the desired destination (do not highlight multiple cells) and then paste.

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The COUNTIF function can do that.

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They are copied to the 'clip board'. This is just a software name, for a portion of the memory reserved for temporary storage. It is volatile and will be lost when the computer is shut down.