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Q: When a cup of water is dropped the water stays in the cup until it hits the ground?
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When a cup of water held upright is dropped the water stays in the cup until it hits the ground.?

Yes, they both fall at the same rate because the force of gravity is the same for both the cup and the water. True

When a cup of water held upright is dropped the water stays in the cup until it hits the ground?

Yes, they both fall at the same rate because the force of gravity is the same for both the cup and the water. True

When a cup of water is dropped does the water in the cup stays in the cup?

If a cup of water is dropped, the water will tend to stay inside the cup momentarily due to inertia. However, once the cup hits the ground and stops moving, the water will then spill out of the cup due to the lack of support from the container.

When a cup of water is held upright is the dropped the water stays in the cup until it hits the ground true or false?

I'm not for sure, but according to science it would be true because since the water is in the cup and the is drop, so is the water. And there are two laws that can go with this. 1: An Object at rest stays at rest, an object in motion stays in motion. 2: Every object lands at the same time.

When a cup water is dropped as the cup Falls the water in the cup stays in the cup?


When water hits the land and is soaked into the ground the water becomes what?

* It stays water, it leeches through the ground or evaporates always staying as water.

Do trouts stay low to the ground or away from the ground in the water?

both light stays low and heavy low.

What is a point of water pollution?

water polution is 98% polltion thrown from peoples cars or just dropped on the ground.. ect. and the wind blows it until it ends up somewhere! amazing huh? -smartsofia :P

Why does the needle float when it is dropped in water parallelaly and why it sinks when dropped perpendicularly?

When the needle is dropped parallel to the water's surface, it creates surface tension and stays afloat due to the weight distribution. However, when dropped perpendicularly, the needle displaces more water, causing the weight to overcome the surface tension, thus sinking.

What is a point source of water pollution?

water polution is 98% polltion thrown from peoples cars or just dropped on the ground.. ect. and the wind blows it until it ends up somewhere! amazing huh? -smartsofia :P

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Water and flame retardants dropped by both firefighters on the ground and by aircraft

What is the difference between hailstorm and ice storm?

A hailstorm is when the precipitation is composed of ice lumps. An ice storm is when the precipitation is freezing rain. The water stays liquid until when it hits the ground, and freezes where it hits.