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That would depend on the network topology chosen and the type of network connectivity devices employed.

In a properly constructed, switched and/or routed network the answer would be NO.

If hubs or repeaters are used to connect devices and/or network segments, then yes.

In a bus or ring topology, the answer is yes. Whether anything is done with the frame is a different matter and depends on whether you consider the network adaptor to be integral to the computer.

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Q: When a computer sends a frame to another computer do other computers on that network receive the frame?
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What powers a computer network?

The network adapters. They are in turn powered by the computers they are attached to. Each card transmits a voltage signal. That is why the cords can only be so long. The wireless cards are powered by the computer, but they broadcast and receive radio waves.

What computer receive the frame?

mini computer/main frame computers

Configuration of Windows Server?

For situations where there are work group computers that are fed by a main computer, Windows server software is able to configure and control the network. The client computers can receive programs and applications from the server computer. The tasks of the server computer includes recognizing each of the client computers as specific machines within the server's domain. The server computer can dispense print permissions and application permissions to each of the client computers.

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There are multiple connection options for a Network Printer. 1. The Printer can be attached to a Router and be available to all of the Network's Computers that can access that router. 2. If the printer is attached to Computer "A" (via USB or WiFi) any Computer on the Network that can access Computer "A" can be allowed to access the Printer. Of course Computer "A" MUST be up and running.

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An IP address is something like a telephone number. It allows another computer with an IP address to send or receive data between the two computers. Also like a phone number, the IP address can't be duplicated on the same network, each computer needs it's own, and there needs to be a known route between the two.

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A computer network, or simply a network, is a collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information.[1] Where at least one process in one device is able to send/receive data to/from at least one process residing in a remote device, then the two devices are said to be in a network. Simply, more than one computer interconnected through a communication medium for information interchange is called a computer network.

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What can be used to transfer files from a computer in one office to a computer in the next office?

If the two computers are on the same Network, you can setup File Network Sharing on the computer that has the files to be transferred.Depending upon the size of the files to be transferred, You can use a USB Flash Drive to transfer files form one computer to another.If the files are large and you need to transfer files to and from each computer, You can use a Portable Hard Drive.If there are Many computers on the network that need the resources of many files, You can use a Network Hard Drivewhere it can be centrally located so all the computers can store and receive files from.

Do you have to hook the router up to a computer?

No - a router can connect to a computer, another router, a switch, a hub, a bridge or a modem. If you are connecting to the Internet via DSL or cable company you will need a modem/router to connect to them. You then attach your computer (or computers) to that router. Routers are useful because they make decisions about which way a packet of data goes - this network or this network? If you have one network that doesn't go anywhere (connect to the Internet or another network) a router is of no use to you and a switch generally does wonderfully and is cheaper than a router.

How To Choose Between Network Hubs And Switches?

If you are setting up a local area network (LAN), don’t get confused by the terms network hub and network switch. They refer to completely different devices. A hub allows all computers connected to the network to communicate with one another. A switch is a little smarter than a hub; it can direct traffic to specific devices.To put this into perspective, consider a network with four linked computers. In technical terminology, hubs work according to broadcast models, while switches operate by virtual circuit models. If two of those four computers talk to one another, the hub will simply pass all network traffic to each of the four computers. Switches can figure out which piece of information is going where, and so can pass data on to the specific computer the sender is trying to reach.Switches have the advantage over hubs: not only does the specificity ensure greater privacy and security, but the switch actually creates a connection within the network and thus preserves the computer’s bandwidth speed. Hubs do not have this ability, as they split all the bandwidth between the four computers equally. This can substantially slow down the speed of the network. Another advantage of switches is that they can receive data from a computer and send data to that computer at the same time, allowing greater network usage efficiency.The above notwithstanding, hubs cost much less than switches do. If your network has only two or three computers, getting a hub may be a better option that a switch.Switches are incredible sophisticated devices capable of telling the difference between data packets. Not only that, but switches can forward packets to different destinations. Network switches work similar to routers, but the difference between the two is that switches work within networks while routers work between networks. Routers send information from a computer in one network to a computer in another network; switches send information between two computers in the same network. Switches can increase the total bandwidth available to networks as well as clean up the traffic congestion and provide a stabilized network protocol.

What isDefinition of Internet?

A worldwide network of networks. It is also the network of networks that connects millions computers (called hosts). The Internet is the virtual space in which users send and receive email, login to remote computers (telnet), browse databases of information (gopher, World Wide Web, WAIS), and send and receive programs (ftp) contained on these computers