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I am going to assume you are using a recent version of Excel or something like it. Finding and/or replacing text in Excel is easy. Click on 'Edit' and then 'Find' (shortcut is Ctrl-F). You then hav a few options on whether you want a case sensitive search, scope of the search (in case you have multiple sheets for example). Usually you can accept the defaults - just type in the text you want to find and hit OK. Note - if you have a range selected (highlighted) in Excel when you do a search it will only search in that range - if you want to search the entire sheet make sure to deselect any ranges. If you want to find text across a number of spreadsheets you can use the windows search option - let's says you want to find 'XYZZY' don't know which spreadsheet it is in - do Search from the Start button (use classic preferences). - put '*.xls' as 'All or part of the file name' and 'XYZZY' as 'A word or phrase in the file'.

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Q: What would you use to locate a text in spreadsheet and how does it work?
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Does Microsoft Word have a spreadsheet?

Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet application, but using tables it is possible to create some very simple spreadsheets. Due to its limitations, it is not really practical to use it as a spreadsheet for any significant work. Anyone that has Microsoft Word, would also have Excel and they would use that for their spreadsheets.

What do you include in in text citations?

In-text citations typically include the author's last name and the publication year of the source. If no author is available, you would use the title of the work instead. This information helps readers locate the full citation in the reference list at the end of your paper.

How do you decorate a spreadsheet?

Decorating a spreadsheet could be formatting it, like setting colours for some cells or putting in borders on some cells. You can also change the size of text or bold it. You could add in some simple graphics. While doing these things can make a spreadsheet look nice, it should not be overdone. Also, the most important thing about a spreadsheet is that all the formulas work and the results are accurate, not how it looks.

What would you use the - for on a spreadsheet?

It is used in specifying text in a function, and sometimes dates. It differentiates names for ranges and actual text. Functions use different kinds of data, such as numbers, dates, logical values and text. Text is indicated by enclosing it in quotation marks, and dates can be indicated that way too. See the following examples: =FIND("A", C30) =WEEKDAY("2/5/90") If you had a range named Sales you could do this with Excel to sum the range, but you would not use the quotations marks to specify it, otherwise it would not work, as it would treat it as text. Assuming you did have a ranged named Sales, then the first of these two is correct and second will not work: =SUM(Sales) =SUM("Sales")

What would you use the - symbol for on a spreadsheet?

It is used in specifying text in a function, and sometimes dates. It differentiates names for ranges and actual text. Functions use different kinds of data, such as numbers, dates, logical values and text. Text is indicated by enclosing it in quotation marks, and dates can be indicated that way too. See the following examples: =FIND("A", C30) =WEEKDAY("2/5/90") If you had a range named Sales you could do this with Excel to sum the range, but you would not use the quotations marks to specify it, otherwise it would not work, as it would treat it as text. Assuming you did have a ranged named Sales, then the first of these two is correct and second will not work: =SUM(Sales) =SUM("Sales")

What is the ' ' symbol used for on a spreadsheet?

It is used in specifying text in a function, and sometimes dates. It differentiates names for ranges and actual text. Functions use different kinds of data, such as numbers, dates, logical values and text. Text is indicated by enclosing it in quotation marks, and dates can be indicated that way too. See the following examples: =FIND("A", C30) =WEEKDAY("2/5/90") If you had a range named Sales you could do this with Excel to sum the range, but you would not use the quotations marks to specify it, otherwise it would not work, as it would treat it as text. Assuming you did have a ranged named Sales, then the first of these two is correct and second will not work: =SUM(Sales) =SUM("Sales")

What does an accountant use a spreadsheet to do?

a acountant uses the spreadsheet to help to maths an work things out quicker

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A spreadsheet is for numerical analysis and manipulation, whereas a word processor is for working with text. Spreadsheets have a wide range of mathematical functions that word processors do not have. Some word processors can do some basic calculations, but not the range of ones that a spreadsheet can do.

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a scientist would use a spreadsheet for work progress or noting down anonimous thoughts.

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Without seeing your exact spreadsheet, it is not possible to be specific, but you would generally be making use of the SUM function to total up your individual revenues.

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with study at string electronic.