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Q: What would the function equals MODE B2 B10 tell us?
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What would the function MODE in Excel tell us?

The MODE function finds the most commonly occurring number in a range of numbers.

Is this equation a function y equals 3squared plus 2x minus 3 is this a function?

You can tell if an equation is a function if for any x value that you put into the function, you get only one y value. The equation you asked about is the equation of a line. It is a function.

What does range tell us that mode does not?

Range is a measure of variation; mode is a measure of center. Range will tell you how much the data vary, mode does not tell you how much the data vary.

How can you tell if theres a dog on bark mode?

you go on bark mode

How would you describe a function?

It's something an object or a person could do or be used for. Example: the function of a clock is to tell time.

What does the mode tell you?

most often

What does the mode tell you about the distrubution of a set of data?

The mode gives you the most commonly occurring outcome.

How can you tell if a number is a function?

A number is not a function.

Can you give me sentences with the word illogical?

If you were to tell me two plus two equals five then this would be illogical!

What is the answer to 10x - 8y equals -2?

The answer to that is a graph, which I cannot show you (it's not possible on this text box). I will tell you the function form of the problem: y= -10/8x + 1/4

What is the mode of

It is not possible to tell, unambiguously, what the numbers are.

What is the nutrition mode for protists?

I dont know you tell me. ;-)