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The recovery image should not be altered by storing files on the partition holding the file. It's a safety device in case something happens to the main partition holding Windows. Altering or storing files to the recovery partition - may make rescuing the hard-drive impossible.

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Q: What would i need to buy in order to store or save the files on the recovery image?
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Where can I find file recovery software?

There are a lot of programs that can recover your files. One program is online at You can also take your computer in to a computer store and they will recover your files for you.

Is there a program for a hard disk data recovery after a hard drive crashes?

There are several data recovery sofwares available. These include Digital Rescue Premium, Advanced Disk Recovery, and Recover My Files. You can also take you computer to a repair store like Geeksquad and have them recover the lost files.

How do you perform image slideshow in php?

Image Slideshow is very difficult using php. Instead store the image files in an image folder and apply slideshow to them using javascript. Here's a reference to automatic slideshow using javascript: How_do_you_create_slide_show_using_javascript_code

How are videos stored in a computers memory?

the text files store in the document files the sound files store in the document files the pictures files store in the document files the video files store in the document files

What format has the data to be stored on PC?

Computers store data in files. Different types of files are used to store different kinds of data. Text files (.txt, .doc, .rtf) store text informations. Video files (.mpg, .avi, .wmv, .mkv) store videos and movies. Graphic/image files (.gif, .tif, .png, .jpg) store pictures and other images.Every kind of a file uses his own format of stored informations. Applications designed to work this these files know their formats and use them to import and export data from or to files. Type of a file is recognized by its extension (part of a name after last dot character).

Can deleted files be recovered?

i would go to a local pc repair/recovery store. we have done that in the past plus there is software that can help recover lost files. there is a way to recover them unless the hard drive has completely fried

Is there any software that can convert a zip file to image file?

In the past there are people who experimented with zip files to store them as images. None of the current compression software supports this. A zip file can contain a image file.

Can computer file recovery help after a power surge?

Open the program and search for whatever you may have been working in. Also try reinstalling your hard drive in another computer to retrieve files. A good way to store files may also be online.

How would one store files online?

It is quite easy to store your files online. There are sites that provide free service to store files such as photos. The best site to store photos on is Photobucket.

What are some reputable businesses that provide lost data recovery services?

A few reputable business that offer data loss recovery services include Seagate, a manufacturer of storage devices, ioSafe, another storage device manufacturer used by many major corporations, and Staples, an office supply store. Depending on the situation, data recovery software such as Zero Assumption Recovery can be used to restore files that have had their index deleted but still exist on the storage drive. This is usually the case for files that were recently, but not securely, deleted.

Is a embedded image a part of the HTML file?

Images cannot be stored in the actual HTML file itself. HTML is always stored in a text file. Text files cannot store images. What will be in it is a reference to the image which enables the page to show the image, by looking to its location. When you open the HTML file in a browser, it will show the image.